The Caged Chain XL Scarf

The Caged Chain Scarf is the perfect way to add a touch of luxury to any outfit. It's handcrafted from high quality materials, and features a beautiful caged chain design. The scarf is lightweight and can be worn year-round, making it a versatile addition to your wardrobe. Whether you wear it as a statement piece or use it to accessorise a casual look, the Caged Chain Scarf will help you stand out from the crowd.
How to wear the Caged Chain Scarf:

- Drape the scarf around your neck, letting it fall naturally.
- Take one end of the scarf and thread it through the cage at the other end.
- Pull the scarf until it is snug against your neck.
- Adjust the scarf so that the cage is in the front, center of your neck.
- You can wear the Caged Chain Scarf with any type of outfit, whether you're dressing up or dressing down. It's a versatile accessory that will add a touch of elegance to any look.
The Caged Chain Scarf is the perfect accessory to add a touch of style and sophistication to any outfit. It's handcrafted from high quality materials, so you can be sure it will last for years to come. The unique design adds a bit of edge to any outfit, and the chain detail completes the look. Whether you're dressing up for a special occasion or just wanting to add a little something extra to your everyday look, the Caged Chain Scarf is the perfect choice.
Photography: Sebastian Pirvulescu
Model: Shiori
MUAH: Vilma Dino
Clothing: Valmizar + Lurdesbergada Syngmancucala 

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